We want to “fall awake”–not asleep—when doing the Body Scan meditation.  The idea is to actually feel what is occurring in each region of your body–no picturing or imagining the area of the body, but being with whatever is occurring in a non-judgmental way.  If you feel “nothing” in a particular region of the body, then just be aware of “not feeling” anything, at this time, in this region– accepting it as your experience in that moment, and then moving on.  Assume the role of “observer” to your experience without striving to create any type of “special state”.  The meditative view is that only through the acceptance of what is occurring in the present moment, no matter how painful, frightening or undesirable, that change, can healing and growth occur.

If you consistently fall asleep while doing the body awareness meditation, you can try practicing with your eyes open for periods of time, and investigate any difference(s) or similarities. If it is difficult for you to keep your attention on a specific part of the body (that is, if the mind wanders to an area that is experiencing more discomfort) then just note where your mind has gone and gently bring your attention back to the area of the body that the CD is guiding you to investigate and observe.
