Stand still for a moment and anchor your attention in your body. Be aware of yourself in the standing posture. Feel your body.
Recall that every living being wants to live peacefully and happily. Connect with that deep wish: “Just as all beings wish to be happy and free from suffering, may I be happy and free from suffering.”
Begin to walk, note yourself moving through space in the upright position. Feel the sensations of your body; perhaps noting the sensations in the soles of your feet or the wind in your face. Keep a soft gaze and walk at a normal pace.
After walking for a few minutes, repeat the loving-kindness phrase to yourself:
May I be happy and free from suffering.
The phrase will keep your attention anchored in your body and start to evoke the attitude of loving-kindness. Try synchronizing the phrase with each step or with each breath. It may help to shorten the phrase to a single word: “safe, happy, healthy, ease” or “love, love, love, love.”
When your mind wanders, gently returning to the phrases. If you find yourself hastening to your destination, slow down and refocus on your purpose.
Doing this with kindness, especially with a feeling of gratitude toward your feet for supporting your entire body. Appreciate the marvel of walking.
After a few minutes, expand loving-kindness to others. When someone catches your attention, say to yourself: 
May you be happy and free from suffering
 You may also say “May we be happy and free from suffering…” or just “safe… happy… healthy…ease” or “love…love… love…love.” Don’t try to include everyone; just do it one person at a time, keeping the attitude of loving-kindness alive.
Eventually include all forms of life in the circle of your loving-kindness, e.g., dogs, birds, insects, and plants.
Allow yourself to receive any expressions of kindness that may come your way.
At the end of the walking period, stand still for a moment and repeat “May all beings be happy and free from suffering” before you go on to your next activity.