Knowing what you are doing while you are doing it is the essence of mindfulness.

During your mindful meal/snack this week, you are invited to bring your attention to seeing the food, observing it carefully as if you had never seen it before.

Use all your senses before tasting it:  the appearance; the smell; the feel, and the sound (e.g. snap, crackle, pop!). Note any thoughts that you might have about the food. For instance, likes/dislikes; where the food came from; all those who were involved in its growth/production/transportation to the store, and so on.  

Then slow down the entire process of eating. Be aware of the impulse to lift the food and the muscles that are involved; the sensations as the food enters your mouth: saliva, chewing, the impulse to swallow, and so on. See if you can be there for the entire act of nourishing your body in this way.

Notice when thoughts distract you (even thoughts about food), and gently bring your attention back to your experience. The essence of mindfulness is to be present for all your experiences in life, and to learn to relate to them with openness, curiosity and acceptance.
