Prior musings have outlined a method of optimizing physical, mental and spiritual health by focusing on self-care and embracing the mindful attitudes of non-judgmental acceptance, patience, curiosity, trust, non-striving and letting go.

Using these concepts during stressful events can be difficult, but highly effective and rewarding. It is important to be kind to ourselves, accepting our limitations and examining our behaviour during difficult times. We need to honestly look at our successes and failures when challenged,resolving to learn from life’s continuous succession of tests. Reframing difficulties as “mindful opportunities” can reinforce use of healthy attitudes instead of falling back into less helpful patterns we may have used in the past when stressed.

Some practical ideas during crises include prioritizing our activities. Can we temporarily let go of some responsibilities at work, home or socially? Boundary setting and assertive communication can be difficult but essential. Making time for self care is especially important. Other practical suggestions include getting adequate sleep and nutrition while minimizing the use of harmful substances such as caffeine, alcohol or drugs. A few minutes a day of fresh air, exercise, and perhaps a creative hobby needs to be a priority to maintain energy and balance, especially during crises. Sharing concerns with a trusted friend, relative or professional counselor is suggested.

Maintaining optimal health in the midst of a crisis is enlightened self-interest. Being calm, focused and solution-oriented during challenges helps yourself and the situation. This is often infectious and may assist others to maintain their own equanimity, clarity and health.
When the crisis resolves, you will find it easier to return to a balanced, vital state of health. Worry about the future is greatly reduced when we know that we have the confidence, strength and flexibility to handle life’s inevitable stress waves. This allows us to engage in life more fully, making wise, effective use of our energy and talents for ourselves and to be in service to others.

Mindful Homework:
When next confronted by a crisis, take a few slow, deep anchoring breaths. Be as calm as possible before responding to the problem. Check in with yourself frequently about your state of health and give yourself permission to engage in enlightened self- care while handling the crisis. Journal your successes and failures , resolving to continuously learn while being kind to yourself and others.

For optimal health, one needs to develop self-awareness, have clear health goals, a willingness to make necessary changes and an attitude of openness, acceptance and gratitude.
