Prior musings have focused on mindful attitudes as tools for mental health and stress management.  These attitudes include:   non-judgmental acceptance, patience and curiosity.  Another mindful quality is letting go or non-attachment.

Living in the present moment requires letting go of previous moments.   It is a continuous process of tuning in to the present, gently letting go, then refocusing on the new moment.  Many of us try to hold onto pleasant moments and avoid or push away unpleasant situations.   Clinging to moments that have passed detracts from moment-by-moment reality as it is unfolding.  A mindful way of life allows us to embrace fully all that life sends our way, whether pleasant, unpleasant or neutral.

Letting go or non-attachment also applies to material goods. Our society is geared to attach value to material wealth and possessions.   Material goods are a “quick fix” when we are anxious or upset.  This mental “junk food” seldom nourishes us.  An over attachment to material goods adds to our stress.  We may find ourselves in financial difficulty preventing us from pursuing our passions for fear of losing financial status.  If we become pre-occupied with material pursuits, we may not have time for a nourishing balance of physical activity, communion with nature, creativity, spiritual pursuits and giving to others.

Letting go of previous traumas, both physical and emotional, is also important.  Forgiveness can be viewed as enlightened self-interest as letting go of resentment can be very healing for oneself and those around us.

Making plans is important, but being non-attached to the ultimate outcome is even more important.  When a certain goal becomes unobtainable, it is helpful to have the flexibility to create new goals rather than suffer with the regret of the “impossible dream”.  Flexibility and adaptability are the hallmarks of successful living organisms.  Letting go is an essential skill for success.

Living mindfully with moment-by-moment awareness frees up the mental and physical energy normally consumed by living in the past or worrying about the future.  This extra energy allows us to live with more vigour and helps us to navigate life’s stress waves more effectively.  A richer and more meaningful life awaits you!

Mindful Exercise: Enhance your awareness of letting go on a daily basis.  Notice when you are holding on to:  the past; a material object that no longer serves you; or, a goal that clearly needs to be changed.  Allow yourself to gently release your grasp without pushing.  Make letting go a habit, and notice how much easier it is to live in the present with greater ease, clarity and energy.

For optimal health, one needs to develop self-awareness, have clear health goals, a willingness to make necessary changes and an attitude of openness, acceptance and gratitude.
