Freeing Ourselves from the Tyranny of Time

Just because the world has speeded up through technology, there is no reason for us to be ruled by it to the point where we are stressed beyond all limits.  It is important to remind ourselves that time is a product of thought.

Depending on the situation, time can take on a very different quality.  For example, if you are sitting on a stove, a minute can seem like an hour, but if you are doing something pleasurable, an hour can seem like a minute.  Or, to put it another way, your perception of how long one minute is depends on which side of the bathroom door you’re standing.

We need to be aware of what it is we are trying to accomplish, and whether we are paying too great a price for it.  In other words, is it “worth” dying for?  As well, living more and more in the present often reduces the grip that time has over us.  Many of us waste enormous amounts of time and energy thinking about the past and worrying about the future.  Living more in the present allows us to appreciate “time” to its fullest, and possibly make better use of it.

Take some time intentionally each day for yourself for just “being”–not “doing”.  In other words, be kind to yourself and engage in some type of formal meditation practice if just for five-ten minutes on a regular basis.

And finally, see if you can simplify your life in certain ways.  If you fill up all your time, you won’t have any.  Simplifying may mean prioritizing the things that you have to versus what you want to do.  Consequently, choosing to give up certain things.  Here’s something that may be illuminating.  Make a list of the ten activities that you enjoy doing the most.  Now make a list of the ten activities that you spend the most time actually doing.  Any surprises?
