As you get to know yourself better, and become more aware of all the parts of your Self, you might notice that you are not your thoughts; you are not your feelings; and you are not your actions.  You are more than what you think, feel or do. Actually, you are more than all those things put together. There is a core essence about you from which your thoughts, feelings and actions emanate.  Your thoughts, feeling and behaviors come and go.  Like the wind, they’re there one moment, and gone the next.  But just as the tree is firmly rooted in the ground, there’s a core essence about you that remains steady and every present.  It persists.  And it is always there.  But what is that essence?  What is it about you that is always there; ever present?  Where do your thoughts, feelings and actions come from?

Some people refer to this as your spirit or your soul. But only you can answer for yourself what it is for you.

Whatever your inner essence, there are different paths to cultivating it and becoming more aware of it.  Some people find it by being in nature. Some find it through art, music or poetry, or other creative endeavors.  Others find it through movement, such as exercise or yoga.  And, some find it through stillness, such as when you sit quietly, perhaps during meditation.  Whatever the case, you’re more likely to “find your Self” by doing something you enjoy, something that is not only pleasant, but also which resonates with you—with the core of your being.

And of course, the best chance you have of getting more connected with yourself is by doing any of the above mindfully.

It is important that you see your time in this group as having been a starting point.  As has been said many times in the program, cultivating mindfulness is an ongoing process—a work in progress.  Reflect on how you might weave this work into your life through formal or informal practice.  You may wish to attend an ongoing sitting group in the community, pursue reading related to mindfulness or even attend a retreat at some point.

Whatever you choose to do, we wish you the very best—and that you, yourSelf can be your very best.  And remember, it all starts with allowing yourself to be as you are, in the present moment—mindfully.

Your real teacher is your life.  Do your best to continue to bring awareness and acceptance to your everyday moment-to-moment experiences, by connecting with your breath.

You’ll probably find that the more you engage in regular, formal practice, the more you’ll be able to live mindfully in your everyday life. Ultimately, it’s all the little moments that make up your life.  We strongly encourage you to keep up your practice!

And, if you find yourself not practicing for awhile, then there’s always the opportunity to begin again—in the new moment.  Depending upon when you’re reading this, perhaps in this moment.

Hopefully a seed has been planted, and it has begun to blossom.  If you do not continue to cultivate this thing called mindfulness, it may wither away and recede somewhat.  However, with a little nourishment, it begins to grow and blossom again.

And please, remember that no matter how far you’ve strayed off the path, the opportunity to be fully present is as close as your next breath—actually, this breath.
