Prior musings have outlined a method of optimizing physical, mental and spiritual health by focusing on self-care and embracing the mindful attitudes of non-judgmental acceptance, patience, curiosity, trust, non-striving,letting go and kindness. This musing will explore the health benefits of embracing change.

The only constant in life is change! There is a wide spectrum of attitudes and tolerance around these inevitable shifts. Some people naturally embrace diversity, spontaneity and the unexpected. Others seem to cling to routine, predictability and tend to resist new circumstances. It is certainly healthier to accept life’s challenges. Accepting change not only enhances survival, but allows for joy, creativity and stronger interpersonal connection.

Our health, relationships, careers, finances, and living environment are constantly shifting. Often there are subtle or even blunt messages we receive that signal inevitable changes. Ignore those messages at your peril. Delay and avoidance often compound problems. When we resist the reality of life’s changes, whether major or minor, we activate the stress system. Chronic stress damages our bodies and minds in numerous ways. It can negatively impact our sleep, mood, concentration, energy and problem-solving abilities. What you resist persists. When you practice resistance, the new circumstance remains, but our ability to effectively manage is diminished.

Any expectation of controlling life is a detrimental illusion. We do, however, have control over our attitudes and health habits. Good self-care, mindful awareness and an open, accepting attitude toward life’s shifts helps us achieve the strength and balance needed to remain healthy. This mindful path gives us more choice to respond early instead of reacting too late.
Finally, it is important to realize that life’s challenges and changes are inevitable but suffering is optional. Instead of futile expenditure of energy on resisting change, we need to focus on effective adaptation, flexibility and resilience. We can embrace new, unexpected events as opportunities for self-discovery and healthy transformation.

Mindful Home Practice:
Try the meditation on Embracing the Unwanted in the Mindful Practices section.
