When you notice that you’re feeling stress or emotional discomfort, see if you can find the discomfort in your body.  Where do you feel it the most?  Make contact with the sensations as they arise in your body.
Now, slowly say to yourself:
1.  “This is a moment of suffering”   
That’s mindfulness.  Other options include:
This hurts
This is tough
 2.  “Suffering is a part of life”
 That’s common humanity.  Other options include: 
I’m not alone.
We all struggle in our lives
Other people feel this way
Now, put your hands over your heart, or wherever it feels soothing, feeling the warmth and gentle touch of your hands.
Say to yourself:
3. “May I be kind to myself”
See if you can find words for what you need in times like this. 
Other options may be:
May I accept myself as I am
May I give myself the compassion that I need
May I learn to accept myself as I am
May I forgive myself.
May I be strong
May I be safe
If you’re having difficulty finding the right words, imagine that a dear friend or loved one is having the same problem as you.  What would you say to this person?
Now see if you can offer the same words, the same message, to yourself.