Notes From Dr Levine’s Slide Presentation

“By the end of this course, you are not expected to be stress-free, but if you manage a 5% improvement in your stress management, that is a great beginning”.  Dr G. Levine

Goals: lifelong stress management skills to enhance joy and creativity; ability to surf life’s stress waves more effectively

Self Care: self-assessment–avoid avoidance; enlightened self-interest; being well is “infectious”; increases efficiency and effectiveness

Health: a state of physical, emotional and spiritual balance that maximizes flexibility, strength and adaptability and enhances joy, creativity and resilience

Definition of Stress: mind and body reaction to a PERCEIVED threat that causes the release of adrenaline and cortisol, suppression of serotonin and other neurochemicals.

Chronic stress leads to fatigue, avoidance, destructive behaviors, decreased joy and diminished problem-solving abilities.

Managing Stress: flight, fight or freeze vs. calm, clarity, conscious awareness; REACT or RESPOND

Awareness: self-assessment: internal “stress-o-meter”; frequent “check-ins”; making time and space for inventory; cultivating the “witness”; recognizing triggers and stress symptoms

Insanity: doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting a different result—therefore, recognizing what needs to change; overcoming barriers to change; attaining and working within your stress “sweet spot”

Basic self-care: common sense, but not common practice:
-sufficient sleep, food, exercise, fresh air; avoiding: caffeine, alcohol & drugs
-vacations, hobbies, interests, spiritual connection and healthy relationships

Pre-frontal Lobes: seat of reason, problem-solving, clarity, equanimity, joy & creativity

Mindfulness: MOMENT BY MOMENT NON-JUDGMENTAL ACCEPTANCE.  Intentional focus on the present; repeated shifting of attention from the past or future to the present moment.

Mindful Principles/Qualities: kindness; non-judgement; acceptance; patience; curiosity; trust; non-striving; letting go

  • “stress is inevitable, suffering is optional”
  • going with the flow; wise use of energy
  • self-awareness; making necessary changes
  • self-care = increased efficiency, effectiveness and well-being
  • develop a stress management practice giving permission to promote self-care
  • being vs. doing