A = Awareness, Acceptance, Allowing
Allow yourself to see and be with things as they actually are in this moment without changing anything.  Simply accept your experience right now.  Allow yourself to be open to all parts of who you are including those parts that you wish were different than they are.

B = Breath, Body, Being
Find the breath and take a few, deeper than normal breaths.  Let the breath be your ally, your companion.

Notice what you can feel in the body in this moment.  See if you can let go of thinking about your experience, and why it is happening the way it is.  Always go back to what you can feel in your body right now.

= Curiosity, Compassion, Choice, Change
Be curious about the movement of energy inside the body, especially in areas of intense sensation.  Follow the wave of energy as it moves and changes.

All emotions express themselves in the body. Study the patterns in your body created by these passing mind states.  Ask questions such as: “Where do I feel this?  Does this emotion have a shape, colour or temperature?”

What are your choices in this moment?

Know that whatever you are feeling is part of the experience of being human.  Be gentle and kind with yourself.

This too shall pass.
