Walking meditation involves intentionally paying attention to the experience of walking itself.  It involves focusing on the sensations in your feet or your legs; or, alternatively, feeling your whole body moving.  Initially, it is best to focus your awareness on one specific area and remain with that throughout the period of walking meditation (for example, the sensations in your feet).

You can begin your practice of walking meditation by first standing still with your feet planted firmly on the ground, and bringing your awareness to your breath and your abdomen.  Then, slowly move your awareness down your body into your feet.  As with other methods we have been practicing, when the mind wanders away from our feet or our legs, we simply note where the mind has gone, and bring it back to the object of attention.

To deepen our concentration, we do not look around, but rather keep our gaze focused in front of us and not directly on the feet.  See if you can notice the impulse to take your first step before you actually take it.  In doing walking meditation, we slow down the entire process of walking, and fully experience the sensation of lifting, swinging and placing each foot.  By becoming more mindful of how you walk, you can become more mindful in everyday life.
