When we begin to develop a meditation practice, we all encounter similar obstacles to the practice. These obstacles in your path are hurdles which need to be overcome. How you work with these hurdles, and how you relate to them and learn to move past them, is what meditation practice is all about. 

Some of the common obstacles or challenges that we all encounter include: 

  • Doubt (“this stuff won’t work”)

  • Restlessness (physical/mental agitation)

  • Drowsiness (boredom)

  • Wanting (attachment/clinging)

  • Aversion (fear, judging, irritation/anger)

These difficulties and challenges in the practice are actually important, vital aspects of the practice! Rather than trying to avoid them, the idea is to welcome them as opportunities to learn from. Obstacles and difficulties are not seen as things which interfere with the practice of meditation. In the moments that you’re experiencing them, they are your meditation! The idea is to learn to work with these challenges differently, and to develop a different relationship with them. This helps you to relate differently to all the stresses and challenges in your life, in general.

There are different ways of addressing these obstacles when they visit (and they will visit). You can just notice the obstacle, for example, anger, as it arises and then gently return your awareness back to your breath. Or, you can softly, in your mind, name the specific obstacle with a gentle inner voice (anger…anger…anger), then slowly move your awareness to the breath. What is most important here is that you attempt to develop an “observer” or “witnessing” stance towards these challenges. That is, not becoming attached to themjust seeing them for what they arevisitors that come and go. And seeing them as opportunities to learn from!
